Tradies National Health Month - this August, we’re recognising Tradies National Health Month and have created a FREE Tradie Health Checklist to help prioritise well-being. Download now!

Working at Height Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)

Check out our Working at Height Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS), specifically developed for tasks involving elevated levels. These SWMS provide extensive safety protocols for a variety of height-related activities, ensuring compliance with fall protection standards and best practices. Essential for any operation requiring work above ground, these documents are crucial for minimising risks and safeguarding workers involved in height-related tasks.

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Working at Height SWMS 

All personnel working where there is a risk of falling more than 2 metres must have a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) prepared that is communicated to workers before they commence work at height or where there is the chance of a fall.


If you work at height, there are certain activities that present an obvious hazard. These include work from ladders, scaffolds and platforms. Other examples can consist of work on roofs, elevated structures over tanks, pits, steep ground or on top of vehicles or trailers.


Our full range of Working at Height Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) covers a multitude of working at height scenarios and will allow you to prepare for each task where there is a risk of falling from heights.


If you are unsure about your responsibilities when it comes to working safely at heights, we have you covered. Our extensive library of Working at Height SWMS are written by industry experts who know what needs to be included so that they meet legal requirements and keep your workers safe. By following documented controls, you can ensure that everyone stays safe while performing tasks that involve the risk of falling from height.


All SWMS are suitable for use in NSW, QLD, NT, VIC, ACT, TAS, SA, WA and NZ.

SWMS Template Content

Our Safe Work Method Statements are not blank templates, they contain the most common hazards and controls measures to manage risk.


We can't see what's happening on your site though, it's vitally important you include site-specific hazards, assess the risk, and make our SWMS specific to your task at hand.


Safe Work Method Statements set out the work activities in logical sequences; identifies hazards and describes the corresponding control measures.


The content of a SWMS should be regularly reviewed and needs to include consultation with workers and other persons.


If you are changing sites or conducting a new activity, the SWMS content should be checked and amended to suit.

SafetyDocs SWMS include provisions for: 

- The name of the principal contractor test

- Name, address and ABN

- Details of the person responsible for ensuring monitoring and compliance with the SWMS

- The date the SWMS was prepared and review dates

- The signature of each worker

All SafetyDocs SWMS: 

- Identify the high-risk construction work

- Specify hazards and risks relating to the work

- Describe the control measures used to control identified risks

- Describe how the control measures will be monitored and reviewed

Frequently Asked Questions

Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) FAQ's. View
OHS/WHS Management Systems FAQ's. View
Quality Management System (QMS) FAQ's. View
New Zealand FAQ's. View
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