All personnel working where there is a risk of falling more than 2 metres must have a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) prepared that is communicated to workers before they commence work at height or where there is the chance of a fall.
If you work at height, there are certain activities that present an obvious hazard. These include work from ladders, scaffolds and platforms. Other examples can consist of work on roofs, elevated structures over tanks, pits, steep ground or on top of vehicles or trailers.
Our full range of Working at Height Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) covers a multitude of working at height scenarios and will allow you to prepare for each task where there is a risk of falling from heights.
If you are unsure about your responsibilities when it comes to working safely at heights, we have you covered. Our extensive library of Working at Height SWMS are written by industry experts who know what needs to be included so that they meet legal requirements and keep your workers safe. By following documented controls, you can ensure that everyone stays safe while performing tasks that involve the risk of falling from height.
All SWMS are suitable for use in NSW, QLD, NT, VIC, ACT, TAS, SA, WA and NZ.