New Electrical Regulations for QLD from 1 Jan 2025
Electrical installations in domestic roof spaces must be de-energised before work begins, or alternative controls implemented where this isn't practicable. To help you stay compliant, we’ve updated our Working in Roof Spaces SWMS to align with these new requirements. Learn more.


    • Clear Filters
Operator charged for 2019 amusement ride crash. NT WorkSafe has charged a Darwin amusement ride operator over an incident that injured two people on a sideshow alley ride at the Freds Pass Show in 2019.The injured people were passengers on The Octopus Ride, supplied and operated by the defendant, when one of the tension arms broke, causing the swe…
Company that failed to provide a safe workplace fined $120,000. Failing to provide a safe workplace which led to an avoidable accident, has landed a concrete company in court. The company was found guilty of not taking reasonable and practical steps to omit the risk of a collision between pedestrians and a powered mobile plant.Dandenong Magistrat…
Putting a stop to violence in the workplace. Workplace violence and the impact it has on workers can be physically and mentally devastating.  Violent or aggressive injury claims from incidents in the workplace can range from verbal abuse and demeaning language, yelling, swearing and spitting to physical assault and gendered violence. Alt…
Engineering company fined for apartment block crane collapse. In August 2017, three workers were injured at a construction site in Wolli Creek when a tower crane collapsed into a building.  A structural engineering company has pleaded guilty in the NSW District Court to breaching the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.The company was engaged to desig…
WA building company fined over workers death. A building company has been fined in the Bunbury Magistrates Court, over the death of a contract worker in 2017 in the southwest town of Yarloop.Of the five charges the company pleaded guilty to failing to provide and maintain a safe workplace which caused the worker's death was the most serious.Not ha…
Safety with asbestos a priority. SafeWork SA will commence proactive compliance audits of licensed asbestos removal jobs to ensure they meet the required regulations.Beginning on 10 May 2021, SafeWork SA will be taking the stance of no excuses for non-compliance with the safe removal of asbestos as the risks are clear; asbestos is carcinogeni…
Bin hire company fined by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA has fined a company in Campbellfield, Victoria, for depositing waste at a site not licensed to accept it. EPA officers witnessed a tip truck from a bin hire company dumping the waste, a mix of construction and demolition waste.EPA officers are out in the community conduc…
Safety warning follows a spate of powerline incidents. WorkSafe is urging all employers and contractors operating trucks and other mobile plant near overhead power lines to ensure safety is a priority.Electrocution from contact with powerlines by mobile machinery can cause serious life-changing injuries and death and can occur on large constr…
Young farm worker tells story of surviving an electric shock. When Jason Daniels was 17, he suffered horrific injuries from an electric shock after the grain auger he was moving connected with an overhead power line in Dalby.Jason was placed in an induced coma for two weeks and faced a long road to recovery, including nine operations, skin gr…
Farm Safety honours closing soon. This year will be the first that the WorkSafe Awards have included a category for farming, with agriculture being one of the most dangerous industries to work in. Over the past three years, 24 people have died in on-farm workplace incidents. 424 people made workers compensation claims as a result of serious…
$48k bill for clean up after painters ‘disgraceful’ actions. A painter has pleaded guilty in the Brisbane Magistrates Court to three charges under the WHS Act for failing to protect workers and the general public from the risk of asbestos exposure.Labelled as ‘disgraceful’ by a local magistrate, the painter was charged after allowing a worker…
Elevating work platform safety standards raised. New industry standards for elevating work platforms (EWP) have been set by WorkSafe, providing practical safety advice to employers and operators to prevent further deaths and serious injuries.The new standard has been developed in consultation with Foundation for Safety Victoria. It covers EWP…