QLD WHS Regulations from 1 Mar 2025
PCBUs must implement a prevention plan for workplace sexual and gender-based harassment. Create a safe, respectful, and legally compliant workplace with our Workplace Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment Prevention Plan. Buy now.


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Workplace Health and Safety Queensland announces that the independent medical examinations (IME) panel tender is now open for access on the Queensland Government QTenders website.The IME panel is composed of medical professionals providing WorkCover with additional information or clarification on specific medical aspects of a worker’s injury, as well a…
A WorkSafe New Zealand programme, designed for Pacific workers, is celebrating its fifteenth year in 2021.The Puataunofo ‘Come Home Safely’ is a workplace health and safety education programme that focuses on providing health and safety messages to Pacific workers.Established in 2006, it aims to improve the health and safety of Pacific manufacturing wo…
Coronavirus Workplace Health & Safety – What you need to know
Understanding Coronavirus The 2019 Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China and has quickly spread across the globe – including to Australia. To date, there have been more than 117,000 confirmed cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) around the world with over 4,200 reported deaths. Coronaviruses (CoV) are a fami…