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Person holding an ipad that says Contractor Management on the screen, Laptop in the background.

Construction Contractor Management Plan

  • Instant Document Delivery via Email.
  • Add to your existing management system.
  • Can assist in ensuring workers are adequately trained.
  • Customisation instructions provided.
  • Microsoft Word Format (Fully editable).
  • Only pay once (no subscriptions required).

Construction Contractor Management Plan

The Construction Contractor Management Plan ensures that all contractors and workers adhere to relevant health and safety laws and your organisation's policies. It establishes clear requirements and guidelines for effectively maintaining workplace standards.

Content Overview

The Construction Contractor Management Plan includes detailed policies and procedures to manage contractors effectively:

  • Review Procedure: Detailed steps on how to periodically review the plan to ensure its relevance and accuracy.
  • Contractor Management Policy:
    • Contractor Management Procedure: Step-by-step process for managing contractors, from selection to performance evaluation.
      • Contractor Selection: Criteria and processes for selecting contractors that meet your standards.
      • Induction Training and Instructions: Training programmes and instructional materials provided to contractors.
      • Contractor Monitoring/Supervision: Procedures for ongoing supervision and monitoring of contractor activities.
      • Contractor Performance Evaluation: Methods for evaluating and documenting contractor performance over time.
  • Essential Forms:
    • Contractor Evaluation Form: Tool for assessing contractor performance and compliance.
    • Contractor Register: Database of all contractors, ensuring all necessary information is easily accessible.
    • Contractor Permit to Work Form: Authorisation form required before contractors can begin work.
    • Contractor Spot Inspection Form: Checklist for conducting random inspections of contractor work.

This Plan comes with a complimentary copy of the Legislation & Codes of Practice Reference List, valued at $19.95. This valuable resource provides an up-to-date overview of relevant laws and standards, further supporting your compliance efforts.

Benefits of the Plan

  • Enhanced Compliance: Ensures all contractors meet legal and organisational standards.
  • Improved Safety: Reduces risks associated with contractor work by enforcing strict safety protocols.
  • Efficient Management: Streamlines the process of managing contractors, saving time and resources.
  • Accountability: Clearly defines responsibilities and expectations for contractors, promoting accountability.
  • Performance Tracking: Allows for continuous monitoring and evaluation of contractor performance, leading to improvements over time.

Who is it Suitable for

Our Construction Contractor Management Plan is essential for any organisation relying on contractors. It helps ensure contractor activities meet legal and safety standards, assists safety officers and compliance teams in defining responsibilities and tracking compliance, aids human resources professionals in fostering a collaborative working environment, and provides industries with stringent requirements a tailored framework.

Purchase the Construction Contractor Management Plan today to ensure comprehensive contractor management and compliance.

  • Instant Document Delivery via Email.
  • Add to your existing management system.
  • Can assist in ensuring workers are adequately trained.
  • Customisation instructions provided.
  • Microsoft Word Format (Fully editable).
  • Only pay once (no subscriptions required).

Construction Contractor Management Plan

The Construction Contractor Management Plan ensures that all contractors and workers adhere to relevant health and safety laws and your organisation's policies. It establishes clear requirements and guidelines for effectively maintaining workplace standards.

Content Overview

The Construction Contractor Management Plan includes detailed policies and procedures to manage contractors effectively:

  • Review Procedure: Detailed steps on how to periodically review the plan to ensure its relevance and accuracy.
  • Contractor Management Policy:
    • Contractor Management Procedure: Step-by-step process for managing contractors, from selection to performance evaluation.
      • Contractor Selection: Criteria and processes for selecting contractors that meet your standards.
      • Induction Training and Instructions: Training programmes and instructional materials provided to contractors.
      • Contractor Monitoring/Supervision: Procedures for ongoing supervision and monitoring of contractor activities.
      • Contractor Performance Evaluation: Methods for evaluating and documenting contractor performance over time.
  • Essential Forms:
    • Contractor Evaluation Form: Tool for assessing contractor performance and compliance.
    • Contractor Register: Database of all contractors, ensuring all necessary information is easily accessible.
    • Contractor Permit to Work Form: Authorisation form required before contractors can begin work.
    • Contractor Spot Inspection Form: Checklist for conducting random inspections of contractor work.

This Plan comes with a complimentary copy of the Legislation & Codes of Practice Reference List, valued at $19.95. This valuable resource provides an up-to-date overview of relevant laws and standards, further supporting your compliance efforts.

Benefits of the Plan

  • Enhanced Compliance: Ensures all contractors meet legal and organisational standards.
  • Improved Safety: Reduces risks associated with contractor work by enforcing strict safety protocols.
  • Efficient Management: Streamlines the process of managing contractors, saving time and resources.
  • Accountability: Clearly defines responsibilities and expectations for contractors, promoting accountability.
  • Performance Tracking: Allows for continuous monitoring and evaluation of contractor performance, leading to improvements over time.

Who is it Suitable for

Our Construction Contractor Management Plan is essential for any organisation relying on contractors. It helps ensure contractor activities meet legal and safety standards, assists safety officers and compliance teams in defining responsibilities and tracking compliance, aids human resources professionals in fostering a collaborative working environment, and provides industries with stringent requirements a tailored framework.

Purchase the Construction Contractor Management Plan today to ensure comprehensive contractor management and compliance.

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