Mar 14th 2024 |
New online course aims to protect the public from asbestos exposure
To increase awareness about the safety risks associated with asbestos, SafeWork NSW, Building Commission NSW, and TAFE NSW have partnered to offer a free online course 'Asbestos Awareness and Safety' to the general public.
According to the NSW Government, this ‘self-directed course’, referred to as a microskill, is designed for individuals who are likely to encounter asbestos in their workplace.
The State Government says that its main objective is to safeguard the well-being of workers and the community while dealing with asbestos, adding that the presence of asbestos in mulching products, as reported recently, underscores the importance of easily accessible asbestos awareness training.
Head of SafeWork NSW, Trent Curtin, said “Making the ‘Asbestos Awareness and Safety’ microskill course free and readily available ensures everyone who comes across potentially hazardous asbestos are equipped with the knowledge to manage the situation.”
See full details here.
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