May 2nd 2023 |
WorkCover WA to launch online training course for workplace rehabilitation providers
WorkCover WA has announced that it will formally launch a new online training course for workplace rehabilitation providers towards the end of this month.
WorkCover WA said the new course, ‘Foundations of Workers’ Compensation: Workplace Rehabilitation Providers’ aims to help workplace rehabilitation providers ‘improve their knowledge of the workers’ compensation and injury management scheme’ in Western Australia.
“Providing practical tools and information, the training will assist learners to gain the skills required to optimise their performance and client service delivery.
“Upon completion, learners can confidently apply their knowledge to assist their clients with effective workplace rehabilitation services,” WorkCover WA said.
The training course will be launched at a breakfast event in Perth on 31 May 2023
Additional information is available on the WorkCover WA website.
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