New Electrical Regulations for QLD from 1 Jan 2025
Electrical installations in domestic roof spaces must be de-energised before work begins, or alternative controls implemented where this isn't practicable. To help you stay compliant, we’ve updated our Working in Roof Spaces SWMS to align with these new requirements. Learn more.

Vic transport company charged after worker suffers electric shock

Jun 28th 2022 |

Vic transport company charged after worker suffers electric shock

A Victorian transport company has been charged following an incident in which a worker sustained serious injuries when a crane truck he was operating contacted overhead power lines.

The company faces three charges under the Victorian OHS Act for failing to provide and maintain a safe workplace following the incident in April 2021.

WorkSafe alleges that the company also breached a section of the OHS Act by failing to provide information, instruction or training.

Read the full story on WorkSafe Victoria website.

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