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Updates to the Forest Safety Code of Practice come into effect in Tasmania

Mar 3rd 2022

Updates to the Forest Safety Code of Practice come into effect in Tasmania

The Tasmanian Government has released an updated code of practice to help improve the safety of people working in the forestry industry.

The new Forest Safety Code (Tasmania) 2021 came into effect on Wednesday, 2 March 2022.

Minister for Workplace Safety and Consumer Affairs Elise Archer said this was an industry-driven project, and WorkSafe Tasmania provided advice and assistance during the project.

'The revised Code has been updated, aligned with contemporary legislation and national guidance materials, and modernised to reflect current technology and industry practices.

'The Code was developed through a comprehensive process which included expert review and multiple rounds of industry consultation with forest managers, forest contractors, training providers, forest workers and their representatives," Minister Archer said.

Minister for Resources Guy Barnett thanked Private Forests Tasmania for developing the updated code of practice.

'Like many industries, forestry continues to adapt and implement new activities and technology to ensure best practice, and this is now reflected in the Code.'

'This new Code of practice will provide practical guidance on managing health and safety risks associated with forestry work and how to achieve the standards required under the work health and safety laws,' Minister Barnett said.

Source: Premier of Tasmania website.

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