Apr 6th 2021 |
Tuesday 6th April 2021
WorkSafe Victoria opens 2021 WorkSafe Awards Nominations.
WorkSafe Awards are a way to recognise individuals, teams and organisations that go above and beyond in workplace safety.
As a way to celebrate health and safety and return to work champions, share your safety story and be recognised for making a difference in workplace health and safety.
Nominations are now open for yourself, a colleague or your workplace across the following categories:
- Worker Return to Work Achievement
- Commitment to Workplace Health and Safety on a Farm
- Workplace Health and Safety Solution of the Year
- Commitment to Prevention of Mental Injury in the Workplace
- Leading Return to Work Practice
- OHS Leadership/Achievement
- Health and Safety Representative of the Year
Entries close Friday 7th May 2021.
More information can be found on the WorkSafe Victoria website.
Manufacturer and director fined a combined $60,000.
A Campbellfield manufacturer and its director have been convicted and fined after a worker was injured in 2019.
The company and director pleaded guilty in the Broadmeadows Magistrates’ Court on 29th March 2021 to two charges, each failing to provide or maintain safe systems of work and failing to provide information and instruction.
The court heard that the worker was crushed by a robotic hoist while attempting to clear a malfunction. The worker suffered serious back and leg injuries and remains on restricted duties.
WorkSafe inspectors found interlocks on gates around the hoist had been bypassed, and guards had been removed, allowing access to other dangerous areas.
WorkSafe Executive Director of Health and Safety Julie Nielsen stated, ‘To remove guarding and deactivate interlock systems shows a blatant disregard for safety and sadly this worker is continuing to live with the consequences.’
For more information, visit the Worksafe Victoria Website
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