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Thursday 6th May 2021

May 6th 2021

Thursday 6th May 2021

Young farm worker tells story of surviving an electric shock. 

When Jason Daniels was 17, he suffered horrific injuries from an electric shock after the grain auger he was moving connected with an overhead power line in Dalby.

Jason was placed in an induced coma for two weeks and faced a long road to recovery, including nine operations, skin grafts and a lot of physiotherapy learning to walk again.

He said on the morning of the accident he was carting grain to the silo, 'We started moving the auger, and I turned around to the boss and said 'we're getting too close to the overhead power line, I think we should lower it', and he goes,' no, we don't have time' and kept going,'

'That's when we collided with the overhead power line.'

Jason and his mother Di Daniels, tell their story to warn others and help young workers to speak up if they have safety concerns.

'It could have been all avoided is the hardest thing,' Ms Daniels said.

The 8-minute film is part of a suite of safety films shown on worksites at pre-shift 'toolbox talks' and in safety meetings.

The original story and access to the film can be found on the WorkSafe QLD website.

Councils cluster fencing funded to tackle wild dogs. 

The Remote Area Planning and Development Board (RAPAD) and five western councils in Qld will receive $5million from the Qld Government to help the fight against wild dogs.

Under the Queensland Feral Pest Initiative, recipients of the latest cluster fence funding to be shared by the RAPAD are Goondiwindi Regional Council, Western Downs Regional Council, Paroo Murweh Shire Council and Balonne Shire Council.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, who visited Barcaldine and Longreach with her cabinet, said the cluster fencing program to date has been incredibly successful.

Agriculture Minister Mark Furner said, 'The money will support cluster fencing arrangements in drought-affected areas, including projects that complement existing activities, support the concept of shared responsibility and enhanced capability, awareness and accountability for longer-term management.'

‘Construction will support councils and landholders in creating regional jobs.’

Read the full article on The Queensland Country Life website.

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