May 27th 2021 |
Thursday 27th May 2021
SafeWork focus on snowfield workplaces as the ski season approaches.
Snowfield operators and SafeWork inspectors have met at an industry roundtable to begin this year's NSW Alpine Ski Area safety compliance program. Topics of discussion covered the operation of passenger ropeways, including chairlifts, surface ropeways and gondolas.
At the start of May, the roundtable highlighted to NSW Alpine Ski Area operators what their obligations are concerning chairlifts plus reported on incidents in the industry and their causes over recent years. SafeWork has responded to 21 dangerous incidents, including eight serious injuries to passengers and visitors and three serious injuries to operators over the past seven years.
SafeWork Executive Director Tony Williams said, 'The approach to the season is the busiest part of the year for many operators as they undertake construction, upgrades, repairs and maintenance across their operations.'
'And while our focus will remain on the safe operation, inspection and maintenance of chairlifts and surface ropeways, we will also be ensuring compliance measures to minimise risks associated with COVID-19 and social distancing requirements.' Mr Williams said.
SafeWork's construction team, and WHS and engineering inspectors will be across the NSW Snowfields and will periodically visit Perisher, Thredbo, and Charlotte Pass throughout winter.
View the original article on the SafeWork NSW website.
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