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Speak Up Save Lives' app promotes workplace safety in NSW

Apr 7th 2022

Speak Up Save Lives' app promotes workplace safety in NSW

A new app is helping SafeWork NSW prevent workplace injuries and deaths by allowing workers to report safety concerns anonymously.

The 'Speak Up Save Lives' app which was released in 2020, enables workers to send photos of unsafe practices to Safe Work NSW. More than 1200 reports have been made to SafeWork NSW since its inception.  

Minister for Fair Trading Eleni Petinos said many workers fear raising concerns about unsafe work.

"Speaking up can be intimidating. I want to reassure workers that any identifying features of your submission will not be made visible to your employer. Everyone is entitled to a safe work space," Ms Petinos said.

"I urge anyone who sees anything risky or unsafe at work to please immediately report it. We all have our part to play in ensuring everyone's safety."

For more on this story, visit the SafeWork NSW website.

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