New Electrical Regulations for QLD from 1 Jan 2025
Electrical installations in domestic roof spaces must be de-energised before work begins, or alternative controls implemented where this isn't practicable. To help you stay compliant, we’ve updated our Working in Roof Spaces SWMS to align with these new requirements. Learn more.

South Australian tribunal issues $150k in fines after worker falls from roof and dies

Feb 16th 2023 |

South Australian tribunal issues $150k in fines after worker falls from roof and dies

A South Australian tribunal has fined an asbestos company $150,000 for breach of workplace safety rules under section 32 of the WHS Act 2012 (SA).

The charges relate to an incident in which a 58-year-old man plunged through an asbestos roof to his death in March 2021.

SafeWork SA said the man 'was working on a crawl board placed over asbestos roof sheeting, which in turn was resting on timber rafters forming a veranda to a residential dwelling.'

The man fell about 2.5 meters onto concrete after a rafter snapped.

The South Australian Employment Tribunal alleged the company had a legal responsibility to ensure its employees were safe at work.

Read the full story on the SafeWork SA website.

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