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Queensland workers’ compensation scheme under review

Feb 24th 2023

Queensland workers’ compensation scheme under review

The Queensland Government is undertaking an independent review of the state’s workers’ compensation scheme, led by Industrial Relations Commissioner Glenys Fisher and Professor David Peetz, Emeritus Professor of Employment Relations at Griffith University.

Under the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003, the scheme must be reviewed at least once every five years.

Welcoming the review, Head of the Office of Industrial Relations Kym Bancroft said, “My office wants to ensure injured workers continue to receive the compensation and support they need to return to work as soon as possible and that the scheme remains one of the best in the country.”

“Ms Fisher and Professor Peetz will consult with key scheme stakeholders including registered industrial organisations, peak legal bodies, scheme insurers, and medical and allied health groups.”

The review is expected to be completed towards the end of June.

Additional information is available here.

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