Mar 1st 2022 |
QFF teams up with power distributors to improve farm safety
The Queensland Farmers’ Federation (QFF) has partnered with electricity distributors Ergon Energy Network and Energex to offer farmers belonging to any of QFF’s 21 industry members a 50 per cent co-contribution to install overhead warning markers which indicate powerlines to help improve safety in rural workplaces
This is the second round of this rebate initiative following a successful first round in September 2021.
QFF CEO Jo Sheppard said overhead power lines pose a significant risk to farm safety.
“Any farming business with overhead powerlines on their property, especially within close proximity or directly overhead of farming activities, should have a powerline safety plan in place and install rotamarkers to increase visibility and reduce the risk of contact.
“Last year, there were 54 agricultural incidents involving overhead powerline contact across Queensland.
“Powerlines can be very difficult to see, and the installation of rotamarkers is a practical and effective measure to reduce the risk of contact.”
Head of Queensland’s Electrical Safety Office, Ms Donna Heelan said that in the past six years, six people have been killed in overhead powerline incidents. She said farmers, construction workers and transport workers are at a higher risk.
Read the full story on the Queensland Farmers’ Federation (QFF) website.
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