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NHVR targets truck drivers in work diary blitz

Jun 13th 2023

NHVR targets truck drivers in work diary blitz

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) recently kicked off a campaign urging truckies to carry their work diaries.

The regulator urged drivers passing through the Marulan Heavy Vehicle Safety Station (HVSS) in New South Wales to ensure they have their National Written Work Diary (WWD) after 120 drivers were penalised for not carrying their work diary.

NHVR Director of Operations Central Region Brett Patterson said they will take additional measures to ensure drivers comply with the law.

“The current penalty notice for not keeping a work diary is $711. If a driver is not able to produce a work diary without a reasonable excuse, under the Heavy Vehicle National Law our officers may require the driver to immediately stop work and not commence again for a stated period of up to 24 hours,” Mr Patterson said.

Read more here.

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