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New report shows WA mining industry lost 23,695 days due to workplace injury in 2020-21

Mar 24th 2022 |

New report shows WA mining industry lost 23,695 days due to workplace injury in 2020-21

A new report shows mine workers in Western Australia are being seriously injured at a rate of more than one a day.

The 2020-21 Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) report revealed that two underground mine workers died on the job, and there were 402 'serious' incidents. Serious incidents are injuries that disable a worker for two or more weeks.

According to the report, the WA mining industry lost 23,695 working days due to workplace injury.

State mining engineer Andrew Chaplyn said there was a slight improvement in the overall lost time injury frequency rate since 2019-20.

"We acknowledge industry's efforts to improve safety outcomes, however these figures are a reminder we still have too many workers being put in harm's way," he said.

The DMIRS report also shows 745 fires occurred on WA mine sites during the DMIRS reporting period.

New Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws in Western Australia will commence on Thursday March 31 2022.

The new laws bring together WHS for general industry, mines, and petroleum operation under a single WHS Act.

Read the full story on the ABC News website.

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