New Electrical Regulations for QLD from 1 Jan 2025
Electrical installations in domestic roof spaces must be de-energised before work begins, or alternative controls implemented where this isn't practicable. To help you stay compliant, we’ve updated our Working in Roof Spaces SWMS to align with these new requirements. Learn more.

Kicking 2023 off with Safety at the Forefront

Kicking 2023 off with Safety at the Forefront

Jan 9th 2023 |

Kicking 2023 off with Safety at the Forefront

The new year has just passed in, and with it comes the chance to start fresh. For business owners, that means taking a hard look at company safety protocols and ensuring they're up to date.

Here at SafetyDocs, we're excited to be back and have new products coming soon that will excite and delight our customers. But before we get ahead of ourselves, let's take a moment to look at some safety protocols you should already have in place.

Here are a few tips to help you get started

1. Develop a comprehensive safety plan

First and foremost, you need to have a clear and concise plan for what employees should do in an emergency. This plan should be posted in a prominent location and regularly reviewed so everyone is on the same page. Mock drills are a great way to ensure that everyone knows what to do and how to respond quickly and effectively in case of an actual emergency.

2. Make employee training a priority

Your employees can't follow your safety protocols if they don't know what they are. Make sure you take the time to educate your team on your company's specific procedures. Employees should also be trained to use any safety equipment on-site, such as fire extinguishers or first-aid kits. Schedule regular training sessions so that everyone is up-to-date on the latest procedures.

3. Invest in proper safety equipment

No safety plan is complete without the proper tools. Ensure you have enough fire extinguishers, first-aid kits, and other supplies for every on-site employee. If your business involves any potential hazards, you should also consider investing in personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, goggles, or face masks. Taking these precautions can help keep your employees safe in case of an accident or emergency.

Developing a comprehensive safety plan and investing in proper safety equipment can help ensure that your team is prepared for anything. So don't wait—get started on kicking off 2023 with safety at the forefront today!

For more information on how we can help improve safety in your workplace, please get in touch with us today.

Author - Craig Cruickshank is the HSEQ Manager and Senior Technical Advisor at SafetyDocs by SafetyCulture.

Craig comes from a construction and environmental background, with experience in both the private and public sectors and is passionate about making health and safety information easy to find and understand for everyone.

Learn more about Craig's work on LinkedIn

Available for instant download and supplied in fully editable MS Word format for use in your business.

Please note that the above information is provided as a comment only and should not be relied on as professional, legal or financial advice.

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