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Engineering company escapes prosecution after NSW Resources Regulator accepts WHS undertaking proposal

Feb 21st 2022

Engineering company escapes prosecution after NSW Resources Regulator accepts WHS undertaking proposal

The NSW Resources Regulator has accepted an enforceable undertaking proposed by an engineering company after an October 2020 incident at a coal mine in Appin. The incident happened on 6 October, when workers were removing the rope from the drift winder as part of an equipment upgrade project. The head sheave pulley wheel, weighing several tonnes, dislodged from its support frame and fell approximately 13 metres to the ground below, narrowly missing a worker.

Following the incident, the company submitted a WHS undertaking proposal to the NSW Resources Regulator on 19 January this year. The Regulator accepted the WHS undertaking proposal on 7 February 2022.

The reasons for accepting the WHS undertaking proposal have been published on the NSW Resources Regulators website.

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